Since the beginning of the Associated California Loggers there has been a Safety Director. That person’s job has been to help the members understand how to incorporate safety into their operations. The Association has had three Safety Directors in its history. The first Safety Director was an employee of the Association and the other two were employees of the Insurance Broker. As your current Safety Director, I was an employee of the Insurance Broker but due to circumstances beyond my control, I am now acting as an Independent Contractor.
The ACL provides safety services to the members and in some cases the Logging Industry as a whole. It is the job of the Safety Director to be involved in all aspects of safety for the logging industry.
The Association provides the following safety services to the members through Milani Safety Services:
- Represent the ACL at regulatory meetings that are safety related. I attend meetings at the Standards Board, Cal Fire, Cal/OSHA, CHP, etc.
- Conduct ProLoggerSM Risk Management classes.
- Presentations at the ACL Annual Meeting and Logging Conferences.
Milani Safety Services is available to provide all other safety services to ACL members and the Logging Industry. These services include but are not limited to the following for a fee:
- Review and update of Injury and Illness Prevention Programs
- Accident Investigations and interfacing with CAL/OSHA
- Jobsite safety surveys and onsite safety meetings
- Telephone consultation with safety concerns
- Safe Driver Training
- Forklift Training
- First AID/CPR and AED Training
- Heat Illness Prevention Training
- Blood Borne Pathogen Training
- Road Observation Reports
- Start-up meetings
- Other special projects
A bit of information about Milani Safety Services. My background includes a degree in Forestry. I began working for a logging and trucking company in Oregon. This company ran up to four sides and had an average of 75 log and chip trucks. For this company, I ran skidders, loaded logs, supervised timberfallers and worked as their safety director.
I was later hired by this company’s worker compensation carrier to be a loss control consultant for the ACL’s Insurance Program. I have worked for several insurance companies and an insurance broker. All of these companies had an association with the ACL for which I have consistently been involved. I am also a licensed insurance broker which gives me knowledge of the relationship between insurance and safety.
Since May of 1977, my involvement with Safety and the Timber Industry, allows me the knowledge to provide experienced safety services for you. For information please call Don Milani at 916 704-6018 or 916 222-1741.