In early July, ACL sent out its annual dues billing for 2021-2022. You should be receiving your dues billing materials by mail very soon, or have received them already.
We know that as California and the United States emerge from under the shadow of COVID-19 and its restrictions, this remains one of the most challenging economic periods in the modern history of logging, but your comparatively small investment in Associated California Loggers gives you your strongest line of defense against even more costly proposals from state and federal government. With various governmental fees and regulations slowed down, reduced, or stopped entirely, ACL has assisted its members in saving them money well in excess of most annual dues payments.
Even as ACL fights AGAINST fees and regulations, ACL fights FOR the advancement of loggers, log haulers, and log road builders, seeking to obtain for you your fair share of state and federal monies and access to programs that ensure our sector of the industry is “the solution” to the issues of forest health, forest management, and wildfire prevention.
Each year, your renewal not only helps ACL fight for your rights but helps you in getting access to affordable and dependably available insurance; providing you with continuing education, certification, and placement on the “ProLogger List” sent to timber industry employers; offering you safety services and logging-related news; and giving you a supportive network of staff, consultants, friends and families committed together to the time-honored tradition of logging in California.
We would appreciate receiving your dues renewal as soon as you can. This will help avoid the costs of printing and postage for second notice mailings. This will also guarantee you continued access to ACL services. We believe that ACL can help you now more than ever, and we value your support.