Join ACL today to take advantage of our many benefits. Check out the printable download to see all that we’ve done for loggers and log truckers in California.
Join ACL today to take advantage of our many benefits. Check out the printable download to see all that we’ve done for loggers and log truckers in California.
ACL is pleased to announce it has negotiated for the services of Western Pathology Consultants, Inc. (WPCI) to provide ACL members with drug and alcohol testing as required by the Federal Department of Transportation (DOT).
Seven Myths about Forest Fires By Thomas M. Bonnicksen, Ph.D.* The debate over how to protect against wildfires and restore health to our forests , especially in the western United States , is probably the most important ecological debate of our time. Yet like so many important issues , the debate is fraught with misinformation.…
Climate Change, Forestry, and Wildfire By Dr. Thomas M. Bonnicksen, Professor Emeritus Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Texas A&M University We live in an ice age caused by never ending climate change. You may find this surprising because most people think our climate is supposed to be stable and warm. Ice ages are just…
CALFIRE LTO Class Instructor Robert Little has asked Associated California Loggers to pass along this information: ONE: The May 4-5 “LTO Licensing Class” taught and required by CALFIRE …is FULL. TWO: A NEW AND ADDITIONAL “LTO Licensing Class” has been added for the dates of May 22-23. Both classes will be held at a Sierra…