Tree Mortality County Information

Click here to access the “public education” portion of the California Tree Mortality Task Force (TMTF) Here you will find additional links to each of the ten (10) counties which have been designated as having a “Tree Mortality” emergency in accord with Governor Brown’s 2015 statewide Emergency Proclamation on Tree Mortality, which is still in effect…


Coming Soon: Friday June 2, Annual Plumas-Sierra Chapter Spring-Summer Round-Up at the Greenhorn Creek Guest Ranch!

PLUMAS-SIERRA CHAPTER’S ANNUAL SPRING/SUMMER ROUND-UP RETURNS: FRIDAYEVENING, JUNE 2   All ACL members are invited to the RETURN of the annual “Spring/Summer Round-Up” hosted by the Plumas-Sierra Chapter of ACL.   The event will take place at the scenic Greenhorn Creek Guest Ranch near Quincy.     There will be an outdoor BBQ dinner, preceded by a…
