ACL Board of Directors with Counties
Safety on the road is the most important activity for logging companies, and it’s also the most significant exposure encountered in day-to-day operations. A large amount of time, equipment, and money is spent daily in the woods, but the exposure to the public is minimal. Logging trucks, however, encounter the public on a daily basis…
DetailsA bipartisan group of federal lawmakers have introduced legislation to address the so-called “Cottonwood” case, which is bringing desperately-needed forest projects to a halt. If it’s not fixed, the decision will threaten jobs, recreation and a variety of forest activities. Forestry associations and wildlife groups are calling for action. Here’s why, and here’s how you…
DetailsA NEW message from Amador County regarding a SECOND Tree Mortality Mitigation Project — TREE MORTALITY MITIGATION PROJECT #2…..PROJECT #1 has evidently been won by a contractor, this is a new proposal (PLEASE NOTE DEADLINE: May 18, 2017. Please call 209-223-6375 for RFP packages and information on Attachments described below): COUNTY OF AMADOR INVITATION TO BID…
DetailsDue to ACL member requests, a special “additional” Associated California Loggers First Aid/CPR Class(apart from earlier classes given at the Sierra Cascade Logging Conference and the Redwood Region Logging Conferenec) will be given by ACL Safety Director Don Milani next month in Sonora. WHAT: First Aid/CPR Class WHEN: Saturday, May 6, 2017 WHERE: Mother Lode…
DetailsWe Are The Sierra-Cascade Logging Conference–And This Is Our Story” provides a 67 year documentary of the Sierra-Cascade Logging Conference.
Using special voluntary donations raised by ACL members via the “Resource Availability Fund”(RAF) , Associated California Loggers has placed John Quidachay on a one-year contract to represent our interests regionally and locally with the US Forest Service and to advise on federal issues. John has 35 years of forest management experience, including work with…
DetailsThe Joint Governmental Affairs Committee- consisting of Associated California Loggers, Loggers Association of Northern California and the Sierra-Cascade Logging Conference- sent a white paper on America’s Forest Health Crisis to President Donald Trump with the important message that making America’s forests great again will play a key role in making America great again. This first white…
DetailsJoin ACL today to take advantage of our many benefits. Check out the printable download to see all that we’ve done for loggers and log truckers in California.
DetailsACL is pleased to announce it has negotiated for the services of Western Pathology Consultants, Inc. (WPCI) to provide ACL members with drug and alcohol testing as required by the Federal Department of Transportation (DOT).