ANNOUNCING: Two More Chapter Xmas Parties — El Dorado-Mother Lode (Dec 8) and Gold Country (Dec 12); Summary of All Four Xmas Parties

December is here, and with it are a total now of four Chapter Christmas Meetings and Parties. In chronological order: FRIDAY DECEMBER 8, 2017 El Dorado-Mother Lode Chapter Jeff Holland, Chair Mel and Faye’s Diner 31 N. Hwy 49, Jackson $25 per person (30 person minimum) Social Hour: 6:00 pm Dinner: 6:45 pm Please bring…


Memorial Services for California Logger and Timber Association Executive Director Buzz Eades to be Held on Saturday December 16 in Redding

The California logging community and the timber industry in general have lost an honored member: Buzz Eades. Buzz passed away on November 25, 2017. His services will be at the Redding First Church of the Nazarene on Saturday December 16, 2017 at 11:00 am. Many in the Associated California Loggers community knew Buzz Eades as…


Available Now and for 2018 : “TIMBER” CARB Log Truck Replacement Grants Through Participating Dealers

“TIMBER” LOG TRUCK REPLACEMENT GRANTS AVAILABLE FROM PARTICIPATING TRUCK DEALERS IN CALIFORNIA: The Annual Reminder: “TIMBER” stands for “Truck Improvement/Modernization Benefitting Emissions Reductions”. The “TIMBER” Log Truck Replacement Voucher Program, run using “Carl Moyer” funds by the California Air Resources Board will again, starting now and in 2018, be making grants available to place against…


Stewardship Contracting with Forest Service Integrated Resource Service Contracts

What You Need to Know About IRSC Contracts Seminar presented in coordination with Federal Timber Purchasers Committee, Intermountain Forest Association, California Forestry Association, American Loggers Counsel, Associated California Loggers, and Associated Oregon Loggers Associated California Loggers is a coordinating sponsor of this seminar – A $50 discount will be extended to any ACL member taking…


‘SAVE THE DATE”: 2017 ACL North Coast Chapter Christmas Party — Thursday, December 14 at the Sea Grill in Eureka

SAVE THE DATE! Associated California Loggers North Coast Chapter  President Tim Renner invites you to the 2017  ACL North Coast Chapter Christmas Party: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14 SIX O’CLOCK:  SOCIAL HOUR SEVEN O’CLOCK:     DINNER LOCATION: THE SEA GRILL RESTAURANT 316 E STREET EUREKA, CALIFORNIA 1-707-443-7187 “MORE INFORMATION SOON ON THE EVENING, THE PRICES, AND…



DIAMOND MOWERS-FORESTRY EQUIP. DEMONSTRATION NOVEMBER 2nd, 2017 Demolish problem trees and leave only mulch behind with Diamond’s Skid-Steer Forestry Mulcher. Diamond’s 60″ Skid-Steer Forestry Mulcher Features: Cuts up to 14″ materials-Mulches up to 6″ material Throws material away from machine so that it’s safer for operators and easier on gear Mulches material down to approximately…


BIDS DUE BY 1:30 PM THURSDAY OCTOBER 5: Amador County Tree Mortality Mitigation Project Number 4

BIDS DUE BY 1:30 PM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5! COUNTY OF AMADOR INVITATION TO BID 17-22 TREE MORTALITY MITIGATION PROJECT #4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUMMARY The County of Amador is requesting sealed bids from qualified Licensed Timber Operators (LTO) to provide Tree Mitigation services in the project area delineated in Invitation to Bid 17-22. The services requested…
