Here you will find additional links to each of the ten (10) counties which have been designated as having a “Tree Mortality” emergency in accord with Governor Brown’s 2015 statewide Emergency Proclamation on Tree Mortality, which is still in effect today.
The ten “Tree Mortality Counties” are:
El Dorado
Using the link to the Tree Mortality Task Force public education page, you can look up any link for any of the ten counties listed above, and you should be able to find someone to call, e-mail, or meet with to seek employment in the area of tree mortality. Many times, the grants are given to Firesafe Councils and other entities with which you can contract to do this work.
Associated California Loggers is working with the Tree Mortality Task Force and with these 10 counties so as to “bring together the government employers and logger contractors.” Associated California Loggers is also working with the Tree Mortality Task Force to clarify that LTOs are not required to obtain a Contractor’s License additional to their LTO to do this work.
If you need further information on Tree Mortality, please call the ACL office at 916-441-7940 or