A new press release (see link below) is out from US Forest Service Regional Forester Randy Moore regarding “expanding the September 7 closures [on the National Forests] and outlines that we are closing all national forests in California due to current and predicted fire conditions over the next several days. We will reevaluate this daily.” This is in Randy’s statement referencing the press release, here:
“Unprecedented fire behavior has prompted the need to take additional action to protect public and firefighter safety on national forests in California. In the last 36 hours, we have seen extreme fire behavior that is compromising our ability to provide for safety of any visitors to national forests. I apologize for not being able to inform you of this sooner, but due to the current conditions, immediate action is necessary.
Attached is a press release that will go out shortly this morning. It expands on the September 7 closures and outlines that we are closing all national forests in California due to current and predicted fire conditions over the next several days. We will reevaluate this daily.”
I have additional information in writing from Barnie Gyant, Deputy Regional Forester, that states:
“As for timber activity, we will use the PAL process already established for those operations.”
So timber activity generally can occur in accordance with local Project Activity Level (PAL). Of course, if you are a subcontractor, you have to communicate closely with your prime contractor and follow any additional direction that they want implemented. And, keep in mind that the Timber Sale and Stewardship Contracts include language that the “Forest Service may change the predicted activity level [PAL] if the current fire suppression situation, weather, and vegetation conditions warrant an adjustment.”
Having received this information from both the US Forest Service and the California Forestry Association, Associated California Loggers wanted to pass it on ASAP to our membership. However, we would caution you that even with the guidance of the “PAL” protocol for working under fire conditions, that there will “inconsistencies” in the various national forests in which you work – as to whether you can work under PAL protocols or not. We urge you to contact your contracting officer or sales administrator to find out what timber activity will be allowed under PAL…or not allowed.
Thank you
Here is a link to the September 9, 2020 press release from the United States Forest Service: